Hello! It's me

Noel Paing Oak Soe

I'm a Motivated CS Student

I like to think of the world as a combinatioon of complex problems to solve and belive that sharpening my logic, idea and visions is the key to achieve the answer!

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About Me

Full Stack Web developer

I use my knowledge to create responsive websites that are useful for individuals and organizations. Eagered to try out new things whenever I get the chance, I'd like to blaze my path of long-lasting coding journey with dedication and determination...

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My Latest Projects

Conserve App

My first hackathon team project where we built a complete app from scratch.

Weathering App

Using Open Weather Map Api, I created the weather app including the forecast for five days ahead using html, css and javascript...

Newsify App

Using NewsApi, I created news watching app that allows users to search for any lastest news. Unfortunately, it comes with prcing so I couldn't host it online

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

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